now i installed the last brave to test pip of previous post and brave://flags/#extensions-toolbar-menu is not available at all, like i thought and reported before
here or Suggestions: backup all chrome based browser dmg/pkg now, before they are gone! : brave_browser ( or or other…
brave devs, please read chromium post. if the reason is not clear enough, i can show you exactly all problems with a remote session. issue start especially if you are a really pro user, and not an average user (since those user don’t see any difference if they have just 20 extensions, 1-2 user, 1-2 mac, 1-2 profile and maybe they use only 1 brave, not 4)
other reasons are available here too
and please make at least a chrome://flags/#extensions-toolbar-menu compatible version with apple cpu, before you delete such thing (otherwise we cannot use old brave version on future macs with apple cpu, once rosetta is removed). you can even delete it (like edge did) BUT KEEP the box 10-12X20-50+ extensions ACTIVE!!
Other links here
PS: library copy - keep extension/setting problem
Alcune impostazioni sono state reimpostate
Brave ha rilevato che alcune impostazioni sono state danneggiate da un altro programma e le ha ripristinate con i valori originali predefiniti. Ulteriori informazioni
is still not fixed