Extension Toolbar Menu flag missing in latest build

Description of the issue:
Prior to the latest build, there was a flag called “Extension Toolbar Menu” in brave://flags which allowed the user to disable the puzzle icon in the toolbar which listed the currently installed extensions, reverting to the prior behavior that allowed extension icons to be hidden in the application menu (accessible from the hamburger menu button on the far right). As of the latest update, the puzzle icon has returned, and the flag to disable it seems to have been removed
How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Go to brave://flags
  2. Search for Extension Toolbar Menu
  3. None is found, puzzle icon is on the toolbar and can’t be removed

Expected result:
The flag continues to exist, allowing users to disable the puzzle icon. Alternatively, provide a setting to hide the puzzle icon or let users right click on the puzzle icon and select hide.

Brave Version( check About Brave):
Version 1.17.73 Chromium: 87.0.4280.67 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Additional Information:
This is possible to have been removed upstream of Brave in Chromium, but it’s still something that forces the user to have a button in the toolbar that, while some may want, others would prefer not to have. It provided a cleaner user interface when extensions could be placed at the top of the main menu as opposed to needing to dedicate space to an extension specific menu. Even if Chromium has decided to force this change on its users, it would appreciated if Brave’s developers could continue to provide the users the choice of whether they want this menu or not (honestly, part of why I switched away from Chrome in the first place…).


Same question here for both Mac and Win.

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Added your +1 on your behalf to the issue here https://github.com/brave/brave-browser/issues/12823

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