Brave VPN “Refresh credentials” broken on mobile

I really wanted to support you guys. So I bought the vpn access despite how I already had a perfectly fine (and open sourced) vpn provider, and despite how overpriced.

But this experience has been really frustrating, and you’re making it really hard for me to justify continuing to pay. This is clearly not a polished product…

I’ve already spent more time than it’s worth to create an account here just to tell you guys to fix it…
The 3 images below represent a breathtaking story of excellent product experience… Basically, it loads forever (see third image). Truly immaculate vibes.

Hello @Vibes3001 - I’d be happy to assist you directly! If you’re able to submit an inquiry via our Help Desk here, this will enable us to look into the matter. When writing in, please include the email address used to initiate your free trial and we’ll be able to look it up in our systems.

Many thanks, and looking forward to hearing from you!

Naw brother, I’m not going to do all that…

I don’t want “help”. I have pointed out how your product is just simply not working. You can create the ticket…. From my perspective, as a paying consumer I have done more than enough by bringing it to you guys’ attention. I’m helping YOU out. After all, i can (and will) just cancel my sub.

Peace and love

Hello! Looks like you may be using a Private Window, which is likely the issue. If you try in a normal browsing window do you see the same experience? Thanks for confirming!

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