I just updated to Win 10 2004. Brave works fine, except when I close it and try to relaunch it a few minutes later, Brave will not open. The only way I can get Brave browser to open up is to restart my computer. This does not happen all the time, but I will say it happens about 90% of the time. Very annoying. Does this happen to anyone else? What is the fix if any? Any help is deeply appreciated! Thanks!
“restarting” your OS is a bit extreme.
I suspect you have a rogue Brave process running … your description of
“i quit Brave and try to restart and it does not show” is not an uncommon issue, though it rears its ugly head for a very small minority of folks.
Next time, after you quit Brave, open Task Manager and see if there is a Brave process (or two or more) still running. If you see rogue Brave processes, kill them and attempt to fire up Brave … should work.
Let us know.
Thanks cauldercay! Next time Brave relaunch fails, I will check for rogue Brave process on Task Manager and let you know. Great community!
Hi - So had another instance where Brave would not relaunch. Followed cauldercay’s instructions to check task manager for rogue processes running. I killed then and Brave opened up normally. No more needed to reboot computer. Thanks again cauldercay!
Thanks cauldercay! Next time Brave relaunch fails, I will check for rogue Brave process on Task Manager and let you know. Great community!
Do you have this setting turned ON (Settings → System → Continue running …)
Yes. It is turned ON
If you have time to experiment, you could turn that setting off and see if Brave shuts down completely and you’re able to start it up as expected.
Thanks! Great - will give it some experimentation and report back!
Hey @caldercay, per your instructions, I turned OFF “running background apps” and Brave was working fine for a couple of weeks. However, just now, Brave refused to open after I shut it down to go to have some breakfast. Went to task manager and got rid of the rogue apps running and was able to open the Brave Browser.
Thanks! Great - will give it some experimentation and report back!
So … did the setting revert back to ON ??
No, I turned it off as per you suggestion and it remained off. So I had the issue with it both ON and OFF
Seems the Brave browser locks up more often when Continue Running Background Apps is OFF. Had it OFF for a about two weeks, and the lockup seems to happen more often. Just turned it back ON, and will see what happens.
No, I turned it off as per you suggestion and it remained off. So I had the issue with it both ON and OFF
Hello @anotherconvert
are you comfortable with using some argument to start your brave with just for one time then you remove it
restart your windows
create a a folder in any place you like it
right click on your brave shortcut icon then properties then click on shortcut then on target filed after the " add one space then write the folowing --user-data-dir=c:\foo
you can replace c:\foo with the location to the folder you created earlier
then click ok then start brave
it will start like if it was a new profile and make sure to turn off the continu running in back ground as caldercay said then after 1 min close brave
then check that all brave process is stopped then
go remove the --user-data-dir=c:\foo that you write earlier then start brave it will load your old profile
now check if this help or you still have the same issue
hope that help and have a nice day
Thank you! Will give it a shot and report back!
| justsomeone1
October 31 |
- | - |
Hello @anotherconvert
are you comfortable with using some argument to start your brave with just for one time then you remove it
restart your windows
create a a folder in any place you like it
right click on your brave shortcut icon then properties then click on shortcut then on target filed after the " add one space then write the folowing --user-data-dir=c:\foo
you can replace c:\foo with the location to the folder you created earlier
then click ok then start brave
it will start like if it was a new profile and make sure to turn off the continu running in back ground as caldercay said then after 1 min close brave
then check that all brave process is stopped then
go remove the --user-data-dir=c:\foo that you write earlier then start brave it will load your old profile
now check if this help or you still have the same issue
hope that help and have a nice day
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