Brave Rewards sent, but not received

I received my rewards message yesterday for 0.25 BAT, was supposed to receive 12 BAT, but the funds never hit my Gemini account. Normally when I get the pay message I usually get my rewards within hours. Anyone else experiencing this? @steeven any comment? I know you guys have issues with adds clearing, and you are working on it, is this related?

Hi! I’m going through the same problem. I solved the captcha and the BATs were not credited in the uphold (only the mobile ones entered).

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In my case, the message “Your X BAT May rewards are on the way. Keep an eye out! Check status” disappeared from my Dev Windows 11 version and still not deposited to Uphold.

The other versions I use still have the message “Your X BAT May rewards are on the way. Keep an eye out! Check status”.

I suspect that because I am flagged no payment will be processed :sweat:

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I don’t know how but it’s solved here…

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