i did not receive my rewards on my unverified brave wallet this month(may) the payout was in progress and it showed me that my x bat are in process but i did not receive them even after the payout process was over. please assist me @steeven or @Mattches
Can you please submit the information surrounding your issue to our form there so we can take a closer look?
Thank you.
And what then? I have the exact same problem and I’ve been talking to the team through the form, email and this forum for about three months and yet nobody actually solves the problem. And this is not just me, a lot of people are facing this issue
I have the same thing happen to me as the OP, except I have a verified Gemini account, and also did not receive my reward. I messaged support 5 days ago. I have not hear back from them.
I also did not receive any BAT for June month and also can’t connect to neither Gemini nor Uphold. I am from India.
Well, it’s been 7 days I messaged support and have not hear anything from them. I usually get a respond within 2-3 days, but when it comes to asking for help about not receiving my reward, my message seems to get ignored.
9 days and still no response.
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