Sorry for the delay, I’ve been (still am) very sick.
Here’s what it said when I searched “LibreWolf”
" What is LibreWolf ?#. This project is a custom and independent version of Firefox, with the primary goals of privacy, security and user freedom. LibreWolf is …
Brave was never meant to be good.
I’ll explain to you how things work with the evils…
They create anything, website, company, new product, etc.
They brainwash people into thinking it’s ALL about FREEDOM or privacy or whatever (fill in the blank). Even these apps/sites that pay you crypto always convince you that you will make money, then after 2-3 years or so they lower down how much you can make & their true colors come out.
Presearch did that last year or the year before. Odysee did the same thing, although they are supposedly “decentralized,” but I don’t trust them & I have TONS of videos on there that showcase the Truth.
Mozilla is one of them. I copied my evidence into an article when I got one of their emails from them (I’m on their list of course) back in 2021/22.
There is no such thing as privacy online as it sounds like you already know. EVERY single company online is owned by them (including ALL of silicon valley since they started the net both to brainwash & track EVERYTHING we do, plus censor THE TRUTH.
That also includes Linux & yes I know it’s OS, but to me that means nothing.
Do you know who’s on the board of Linux’s foundation? KILL BILL.
I learned that back in 2021 I think it was.
There’s backdoors everywhere in the hardware too. I thought it was just with intel, but someone just looked up AMD & said they are evil owned too which of course doesn’t surprise me at all. sigh
Why do you think they were forcing EVERYONE to move over to Win 10???
With anyone who has a BRAIN, why would MS care about what OS you are on???
I’m still trying to remember from YEARS ago if I was EVER forced to switch OSs when I was on XP, 2000, etc.
But here’s the thing… ALL of these companies REDID their software to make sure it would NOT work on Win 7. Why??? And I’m not talking recently, but years ago.
Do you really think every single software company in the entire world has the money & time to redo their software so it WON’T work on Win 7 when it WAS working on Win 7 1-2 years before?
Of course not.
And do you know how often I’m ridiculed for being on Win 7?
I was literally just told by LastPass who I already know is evil owned & in fact they were just bought out by a trust type company, which means ALL of our logins are now compromised, that they won’t support me.
Like we aren’t talking about them saying something like…
“you know it’s better if you switch to Win 10,”
I’m talking about them getting upset that I’m on Win 7 & they aren’t the first company to do this to me.
When I was threatened by 2 vendors who told me they won’t support me if I stay on Win 7 back in (I don’t remember the exact year, but I know it was before the war started, so I think around 2017/18), I KNEW that I shouldn’t move over to WIN 10.
I was recently told by one of my vendors that evil MS told them that they HAVE To make their software ONLY work for the latest versions of Windows which obviously means 10 & 11. And you know about Win 11 & it taking screenshots of your monitor, right?
For anyone who doesn’t understand what I’m saying, this has NOTHING to do with safety & security which is always a lie that the evils use to brainwash people who constantly live in a state of FEAR & fear means that person is easily brainwashed.
It has to do with how dangerous Win 10 is, & I’m not 100% sure what else it does besides spy. I have a feeling it does more than that.
I mean look at how Brave won’t let you get rewards if you aren’t on Win 10. Money is always used as a weapon. Look at how you can’t upgrade to the latest version of chromion if you aren’t on Win 10.
For anyone who doesn’t see that this was ALL pre-planned to force people on Win 10, then they aren’t intelligent enough for me.
Why do I need profiles? Because I like being organized. I keep things separate, plus then I can log into the same site with different logins.
I’m a power user, so there’s no way I can have that many windows & tabs for everything I do with just one profile, not to mention it would take me forever to find what window I need.
Yes, geeks freak out at how many windows & tabs I have open LOL
I don’t see how having profiles is anymore risky then anything else.
Thanks for that site.
Yeh I don’t like the sync, but I have way too many bookmarks.
What do you mean by “personal profile?” You mean just naming the profile with a name?
I thought about using TOR, but I wasn’t sure it is chromion & so it would have my extensions.
TOR on Brave - exactly, & this just proves my point I said earlier. It makes people think it’s one thing when really it’s a bait & switch.
Around 3-4 years ago I had already seen the odd comment in this community platform about Brave from people who were obviously geeks. Stuff I didn’t understand.
That told me it wasn’t safe, but I had no other options to go to.
I don’t trust Snowden, but I won’t get into that here. You can reach out to me if you want to.
Thanks for ALL of your help.