Brave forgets EVERYthing after update. Working as intended?

Hi, I think I solved the problem with snap. Worked for me.

  1. Downgrading the snap packet :
    in terminal “sudo snap revert brave”

  2. Launch Brave via icons or entering “brave” in a terminal, you should have everything like before upgrade

  3. Save your Wallet as said here

  4. Close brave

  5. Install via apt in stead of snap following this :

  6. Launching the new brave
    in terminal type “brave-browser” (if you enter “brave” it’s launching the snap version)

  7. You should now see the “brave_old” in import / export stuff

  8. So import your browsing datas

  9. Recover your wallet

For our passwords, I think we are fucked.

EDIT : if you want continue with snap, upgrade snap instead of the 5th step : in terminal " sudo snap refresh brave "