Brave does not launches, even after deleting User Data

I’m suspecting that the crash has to do with the new tab page.

Could you try to:

  1. click on the Windows button at the bottom
  2. type “explorer”
  3. click on File Explorer
  4. paste %localappdata%/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/User Data/Default in the address bar
  5. back up/make a copy of the Preferences file
  6. open the Preferences file (e.g. right click on it, Open with, select Notepad)
  7. search for hide_all_widgets (e.g. Ctrl + F) — you’ll likely find something like:
  1. replace it with:

(so basically just add ,"shows_options":2, save, and close the file)

And then try opening Brave and see if it still crashes.