Brave didn't work at all ! so how to export my bookmarks and saved passwords?

Hello every one ,
1. After i using one of registry cleaning apps on windows 7 Brave didn’t work at all ! so how to export my bookmarks and sites’s passwords which stored in Brave ?

FYI i did the update before 2 days .

2. every time i do the updating i have to use the external download application , it couldn’t update it directly from the browser itself !!

3. please provide an offline Brave installation file link in the download page , i think many many users ( like me ) sometimes they download the update installation file from another PC .

thanks …

Ok. i succeed to do my request, just copy this folder Default :

C:\Users\Windows_User_Name\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data\Default

and keep it in safe in temporary folder then re-install Brave from the control panel and install it again finally copy the folder Default to the same above path and that’s it .

hopefully it helping someone in future . :innocent:

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Glad you found a solution! In the future, backing up and exporting/importing bookmarks, passwords, and settings is going to be a lot easier. :slight_smile:

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Thanks bro …

Do u know how to import the saved passwords ?
i do how to export but what about the importing !! :face_with_head_bandage:

Go to brave://settings/importData and select “Bookmarks HTML File” from the dropdown menu. You should be able to import the HTML file with your exported bookmarks.

Your way to importing the bookmarks not the saved passwords bro …

thanks …

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Hey, sorry for the misunderstanding!

To enable password import, you’ll need to go to brave://flags and enable “Password Import” from the drop down menu on the right. Here’s a screenshot:

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Thanks a lot Mr. Asad …


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