Transfer passwords & bookmarks

I am a new user & about to move to a new computer and would like to transfer all of my passwords & bookmarks, how can I do this or find the information? In advance thanks for the help.

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Hi @setx77704,
If you’re looking to move from Brave on one computer to another, I’d recommended backing up your entire Brave profile.
The path should look something like this:
Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data
Within the User Data folder, there should be another folder called Default , that Default folder contains all you info. If you’re using multiple profiles, you’ll also see a folder called Profile 1 . Profile 1 is actually your second profile, if you have a third profile it will be called Profile 2 . If you have deleted profiles in the past, those numbers may be different.
Be sure to store your Default folder somewhere safe (and any additional profiles you have) - you can then copy that Default folder into a new installation of Brave

Bare in mind that I am not very good at this stuff & as I have discovered there is not any way to easily transfer and or sync password/ bookmarks as with Chrome. How could I save both as an HTML file? Thanks in advance for your help and patience.

If you go to brave://settings/passwords , there is an option to export passwords.

Unfortunately at the moment, you can’t export bookmarks. You could try an extension to export them, and the important them on your new Brave installation.

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