Brave creator not verified anymore

Hi, hope community feel well. I was a verified brave creator and i had my youtube and website linked. I have proceed to a password reset on my uphold wallet and saw i was no longer verified. I reconnected the uphold wallet but im still not verified again. do i have do do something more ?
Bests regards

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@xintas Hey, looks like your topic passed by us for a couple weeks. I just was trying to go down the list for those with no reply and found yours. Are you still having an issue?

If so, I’m going to ask you a question. Then I’ll give options based on your answer to that question.

Question: Are you in a supported country? You can see the list of supported countries at

IF NOT: Then that’s the reason. If you’re not currently on the list of Brave’s supported countries then you won’t show as `Verified. You can learn more at [Action required] Changes to being a verified creator: connect a custodial account

If Yes: You’ll likely need to create a Creators Support Ticket so the right team can try to look into this for you and help resolve everything.

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