Brave crashes instantly on launch

**Description of the issue:**I tried to watch youtube two days ago, but couldn’t since brave crashes instantly when i open it.

Steps to Reproduce: None, i have no clue why its doing this, the browser doesnt crash in incognito mode though

**Actual Result (gifs and screenshots are welcome!):**Browser crashes instantly after launching it

Expected result:

**Reproduces how often:**every time i open brave

**Operating System and Brave Version(See the About Brave page in the main menu):**Can’t access the page

Additional Information: Nothing more

I found out that i can access the extensions tab, i tried to disable everything but it didn’t help. I can’t open a new tab as it crashes the browser, i cant access settings either.


Try reinstalling from here

Didn’t help, still crashes instantly

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What version of Windows do you have?

Currently i’m on Windows 10 21H2


TRy opening private window and disabling the news @ brave://flags/#brave-news

second one fixed it thanks

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