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Have logged an GH issue as a followup, thanks for the info! Is it still a problem?
Hey @Tannerk08 Just an update, we’re just reaching out to Cloudflare directly to investigate what the issue is.
Thanks for all debug reports, much appreciated
As of right now it is still an issue but that’s awesome news! Glad I could help, Let’s continue to make Brave the best browser in the world!
Hi @Tannerk08 (and thanks for working through this @fanboynz)!
Just wanted to let you all know that we reached out to Cloudflare and they were very helpful and sorted things out. You should not see this anymore, though if you do, please let us know (best if you can say so here https://github.com/brave/brave-browser/issues/15039, but a comment here would be great too).
Thanks again!
Hello @pes I commented on the github post and have tested it everything works with the shield now being on “Fingerprinting blocked (standard)” Thank you and the development team on resolving this issue! Also huge thanks to @fanboynz
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