Brave Browser not full compatible with Americam Express online

Amex can refuse to allow me access but when using Safari all is fine … Cannot change password successfully and I get thrown out.

Does disabling fingerprinting in shields help?

Thank you - trying now …

SUCCESS! Thank you. Appreciated. Hugh

Hey great to see it working, trying to work out which fingerprinting option is causing it. So we can help out others. @h_milsom

Can you do me a favor and re-test in Brave Nightly, with the default shield settings. Confirm it fails.

  1. Enable: brave://flags/#brave-webcompat-exceptions-service
  2. Restart Brave and then visit AMEX website.
  3. In Shields fingerprinting, you can now disable (specific) fingerprinting options. Let me know which specific option is causing it. Then we can fix it for all users :slight_smile: