Brave Browser crashing M1 MacBook Air 13" (reproducible)

Brave Browser crashing M1 MacBook Air 13"

  1. Log into Brave Wallet on MacBook M1
  2. After couple minutes, Brave freezes MacBook M1
  3. Computer crashes and restarts


Been happening for at least one other update beforehand.

See YouTube video to reproduce:
It appears Brave crashes my laptop when I interact with ETH website. I do not think it crashes when I interact with Solana

Let me know if you need Apple’s report message! I will DM you, support team.

@Saoiray ;p

@aranyaka you have it private, can’t view.


I’m going to ask you a series of questions for clarity sake.

  • I want to clarify, you’re saying whole OS crashes, right?

  • Does Brave actually crash? Essentially, can you see anything at brave://crashes? If so, make sure it’s all submitted and share the Uploaded Crash Report ID.

  • What version of MacOS are you using?

  • This only happens when you open Brave Wallet?

  • Have you tried with a new browser profile? (click on hamburger menu image and then Create a new profile. Does it still happen there?

  • Have you changed anything in brave://flags?

@Saoiray, changed to unlisted. Thanks!

00:09 typed password in.
02:16 crashes

@Mattches can you check this out when you get a chance?

Do you see crash reports listed in brave://crashes after this issue occurs? If so can you please send me the crash report IDs?

I can’t reproduce this on my end but I’m going to see if someone on Wallet team can.

After speaking with the Wallet team, there are some known performance issues that the team is working on addressing presently and hope to have the fixes implemented in the next few releases. However, until then, they recommend using Wallet on either Beta or Nightly (which already have some of these fixes implemented) until the stable version receives these updates.

If you choose to do this, please ensure that you backup your wallet first. You can then use the import/restore function to move access to your wallet into Beta/Nightly

Crash IDs are unfortunately not being saved by Brave.
Screenshot 2023-08-03 at 12.45.31

This is also what I’m getting

@aranyaka I think that’s showing where you have it disabled under brave://settings/privacy where there’s a toggle for Automatically send diagnostic reports. Buit if you scroll down, like where I see the words Crash from Sunday, July 23, 2023..... is there nothing below it?

For example:

I just did a “false” crash by doing brave://crash to generate for screenshot. When I go to brave://crashes to take a look, it’s like below:


Notice how underneath it mentions Status: Not Uploaded? If you happen to see the same thing at all, you have to hit Send Now and then close the browser (Brave only uploads when it’s closed). Wait for like 30 seconds and then when you reopen, should be like below:


It’s that Uploaded Crash Report ID that’s needed.

If you’re saying there is no Send Now button and it’s only what is in your screenshot, then not sure if it’s simply having to change settings within Brave to give authorization or if you’ve changed something on MacOS that might be preventing it. But at least wanted to walk you through that much and hope I have the answer on getting crash reports.

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You’re right on the money, @Saoiray. I had the automatic crash reports disabled.

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Thanks for that, @aranyaka. I’m going to tag in @Mattches again so he can pass that along to the teams that are looking into it.

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Uploaded today’s crash. Reproduced with (this time), automatic crash reports enabled.

August 3rd
Uploaded Crash Report ID: 13de0100-79a9-800a-0000-000000000000

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