Bit of a problem when updating brave

  1. Go to ’ About Brave’.
  2. An update is available so it downloads the update.
  3. All through, so it prompts to relaunch. ​I relaunch.
  4. Checks for update, then prompts to relaunch again. I relaunch.
    ???) Does it again and again.

Nothing I can’t work around manually under the covers, but I’d rather it work right.

Can you tell me what version of Brave you’re currently on?

Version 1.30.89 Chromium: 94.0.4606.81 (Official Build) (32-bit)

The latest.
But this has been a problem for a long time.

I’m wondering if you have any anti-virus software on your system at this time?

I do indeed, but it would warn me if it were preventing something.
I think the problem may have something to do with file permissions.

The new version downloads and installs OK, all that is failing is the final renaming and clean up.

That’s what I have to do manually (with no warnings issued by ny virus and malware checking).

Can you elaborate a bit on what you mean when you say you need to do the final naming and clean up “manually”?

An executable named new_chrome.exe is the automatically downloaded new version of Brave at the location C:\Program Files (x86)\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\Application.

I delete brave.exe and rename new_chrome.exe to brave.exe.

When I run that one, everything is back to normal as the new version.

This is what is supposed to happen automatically under the covers on the first relaunch.

There is some other stuff that can be deleted, but what I just said is enough to do the trick.

Thank you for clarifying, just wanted to make sure we were talking about the same thing. It definitely should be happening automatically – let me see what I can dig up on this.

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Maybe I fixed it. At any rate this may be related:

Just had an update. Fixed. :sunglasses:

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