I successfully linked my uphold account to my bat rewards wallet some time ago. Unfortunately the BAT balance does not show in my uphold account.
I actually had an uphold account before linking it to my BAT wallet and the process was not straight forward, but it seemed to have ended successfully.
Also I do use the same wallet on my desktop brave browser and my mobile desktop browser. I backed up the desktop browser wallet and restored it in the mobile browser. The account of the wallets is not synchronized, but it is 2 different values.
Anyways, I would like to be able to withdraw BAT through uphold.
Did you connect your Uphold account within the last week? If so, it will payout to your Uphold wallet Feb. 8th. Here’s a thread with additional info - Some common solutions for late/incomplete payouts.
Re: Mobile wallet - you are not currently able to sync the 2 balances. It’s a function that we’re working on currently.
No I connected my uphold account long before than last week. Probably 2 months ago.
Anyways I am willing to wait until Feb 8th and see.
So basically you’re saying that I am not able to visualise my brave account BAT amount from uphold at all times? The BAT amount is not syncronised between uphold and brave wallet?
Hi @natecult - your balances will be reflected in your Brave wallets, and your desktop wallet will flow to your Uphold wallet on the 8th. For now there is no way to connect your mobile wallet to your Uphold account.