Android Brave verified -- no BAT in Uphold

When I click the link to withdraw it takes me to Uphold but my BAT is not showing. I’ve been waiting a long time for this and its DOA.

If this is the linked wallet limit, how can I reset them? Not one link has a functional browser attached. I blew through them testing Brave in VMs on Windows and Linux a long time ago.

How exactly am I supposed to get my BAT out? Thanks!


Tengo el mismo problema!

got the same issue!!!

Hi all - I believe that what you’re experiencing is attributed to Payments not being deposited to your Uphold account. There is a fix for this on the way.

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I am having the same problem.
98 BAT showing on the mobile browser but when I choose to withdraw it, there is nothing in the uphold account.
Any solution to this yet?

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