@steeven , I am experiencing the same Brave rewards reconciliation delay that many are posting about. I understand your explanation (and very much appreciate it as well, btw) on why this is occurring, however, I was hoping that you could clarify one point for me. My March BAT earnings were 7.02… but only 3.033 will “arrive in 6 days”. I get that the remaining 3.98BAT wasnt reconciled before the end of the March earnings period, but how is it that WELL over half of the entire month of March’s earnings were not reconciled before the end of the months pay period? 3.98BAT out of 7.02, close to 60% wasnt reconciled before the deadline. Im not concerned because as you stated, the remainder will just be paid out to me in the next month but it makes me wonder, are reconciliation periods in fact closer to a matter of WEEKS instead of days, as you stated in your reply to the Brave Community? Just trying to understand. Thank you for your time…