Getting less BAT since last two months

It was showing I will get 8.357 BAT but I received 8.250 BAT.

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Have a look @Mattches @steeven @tmancey

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This is likely due to unreconciled ad earnings.

It basically means that you earned from viewing an ad(s), but the ads aren’t reconciled by the time the payment period starts. So for example, if you earn .05 BAT at the end of the payment period, that BAT may take a couple days to be reconciled (maybe “processed” is an easier to understand term) — which means it doesn’t actually count towards what you earned this month and you’ll instead earn it next month.

So the estimated earnings you’re seeing up until this point have included these BAT that were not yet reconciled — so when your final payout balance for the month is calculated, its a mismatch between what was estimated and what is actually earned. The issue I linked to above resolves this, such that it only shows fully “processed” ads/BAT.

Hope this helps.

But this issue is not with the estimated earning. Estimated earning was more than 10 BAT. I understand that unreconciled bat is given in the next month and the unreconciled BAT was visible in my current month earning .

But I’m getting less bat than that is processed ( screenshot 1). If I’m not wrong this update was provided to show the exact amount that is processed , Reconciled BAT was 8.357 (screenshot 1) but I received only 8.250 ( screenshot 2)

@Techy Payout through claims are processed in closest multiple of 0.25 BAT, so your payout amount will be rounded-off.

For eg. If your payout amount is 1.10 BAT you may get 1 BAT in claim and if your payout is 1.20 BAT, you may get 1.25 BAT in claim (multiple of 0.25). Hope it clarifies.

If you verify with Uphold (Gemini also gets a claim button), you will get your exact reconciled payout by direct-deposit.


Interesting. Thanks for clarifying @Aman_M

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