I sent tip to brave rewards wallet on uphold but the BATs didn’t arrive to wallet, could you help me? Thanks!
I sent tip to brave rewards wallet on uphold but the BATs didn’t arrive to wallet, could you help me? Thanks!
Can you elaborate more about this?
I have a wallet on uphold connect to my youtube channel.
Last week I sent BAT tip from my Brave browser to my youtube wallet on uphold, but I haven’t received any.
I sent 20 BATs… what is it wrong?
Can you share a screenshot of the tip transaction on your brave:rewards
> Tips section?
Did you sent it to youtube.com/yourchannelhere
or directly to uphold.com
Is this BAT from free grants or ads earning?
I’m not sure, maybe the first
confirmed, from free grants.
Your BAT will be sent to your creators.brave.com account first. Then around 8th every month, it’ll be sent to your Uphold account.
Also, self tipping is not allowed and may lead to account suspension. https://support.brave.com/hc/en-us/articles/360029235132-BAT-Creator-Grant-Guidelines
Hi eljuno,
Thank you for your reply, no problem the youtube account is not mine, but my brother’s.
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