BAT earnings froze

The BAT earnings for January on my device is stuck at 0.630 for last one week. I’m getting ads normally like I was always getting but the earnings count does not change. Nothing happens when I click on those ads either. Is anyone else facing this problem? What should I do in this case and who can I contact about it? I also haven’t received December rewards in my uphold wallet for one of my two devices so easy to say these lot are pissing me off for quite some time now.


I’m facing the same issue. Haven’t received December payment and now my January earnings are not changing. Can’t blaim support tho, lots of people are having issues so they’re receiving a gigantic amount of messages.


Then what can I do now? any ideas?

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someone on reddit told me contact support as they can fix the issue after individually checking your account. You should also try this.


Agreed! I can’t seem to find someone to help me with this issue and it’s been a problem for me for around 2/3 months.


Where do we find this person though??

DM @SaltyBanana with your problem.

Me too. Mine been stuck all month and not received my December rewards yet

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Have you seen this? Might have additional information that can help.

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Thanks… It has been fixed…

মঙ্গল, ২৫ জানু, ২০২২ তারিখে ৯:৪৮ AM টায় তারিখে Piyush via Brave Community <[email protected]> লিখেছেন:

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This is a very common complaint among Brave users. You may want to try looking at the previous topics, or do a Google search on it. It has been addressed a number of times. I’m not especially sold on any of the answers, and I fear this topic is being ignored now as so may people have the issue, and there is no real fix.
Personally I think this, and related problems, boils down to this: After X amount of time the Brave Browser has learned all it can about you and cannot make any more money out of you, ergo it will stop paying you. Sad, but true?

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