I’m disappointed that the new version of Brave will no longer support version 6 of 1Password. It’s the paid for stand alone version that I have been using. It’s still supported by 1Password…
The only reason I won’t upgrade my Brave is because of your lack of support.
How can I stop my old version of Brave from asking me to upgrade to your newest version every time I open Brave?.
Unfortunately, this is 1Password’s decision, not ours. The 1Password application has an enumerated list of the browsers which can integrate with it. In order to support the new version of Brave, they’d have to send out an update which changes this list. But 1Password is no longer releasing updates for 1Password 6. We’ve asked, but they won’t make an exception to this rule to add support for Brave. So there’s not really anything we can do about it.
Like others here, I also find this disappointing, especially since I am fairly sure there is no technical impediment from blocking the use of 1Password with Brave. This is about pushing users onto their subscription payments that will work out a lot more expensive and keep you paying forever.
I have tried numerous browsers over the years and always drifted back to Safari. This version of Brave is the first browser that has me seriously thinking about a more permanent switch. The only fly in the ointment is this compatibility issue with 1Password 6 that is otherwise perfectly usable. I thought we’d be able to use the Chrome extension.
As said, this is all 1Password’s decision, not ours. But do note that 1Password 7 can be bought as a standalone one-time purchase just like 1Password 6 was.
But it’s not like a subscription model doesn’t have benefits too. When you purchase software once, the developer doesn’t have any reason to do more work for you — you’ve already bought the product and you’re not going to keep paying them for it. Look at this exact situation: lots of people who bought 1Password 6 (perhaps many years ago) want 1Password to do additional work on an old version of their product, even though 1Password isn’t going to be paid for that work.
I’m not blaming you guys for one moment; quite the contrary. I’m simply surprised and a little disappointed that the makers of 1Password were not willing to enable this for users of 1Password 6. It’s essentially the same extension as used in Chrome and I cannot imagine it would take that much work for them.
I’ve purchased various standalone upgrades of 1Password for Windows, Mac and Android. It’s not like they’ve only been paid once in my case. From what I’ve seen so far of 1Password 7 there doesn’t seem to be any compelling reason to change. I’ve been down this road before with Adobe.