YouTube videos display a white screen but have audio

Description of the issue:
YouTube videos are entirely white with only the audio playing, whether they are played with Shields Up or Shields Down. The UI is fine. This happens in fullscreen and outside of fullscreen.
How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Open YouTube
  2. Start any video

Expected result:
Visible video
Brave Version( check About Brave):
Brave 1.64.109
Mobile Device details
Samsung Galaxy J5, Android 9, Build PPR1.180610.011
Additional Information:
This started happening out of nowhere, there were no updates to Brave before this happened, in fact I was using it just fine seconds before this started happening. Clearing the cache/cookies did not fix the issue, neither did closing and reopening the app, or restarting my device. Re-installing didn’t do anything either, unfortunately. I tried the Beta version of the browser but it also happens there.
All other websites and browsers work perfectly fine.


I have exactly the same problem. Brave Version is 1.64.109. White video screen, audio is active. The only difference is this is on a linux desktop.

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Same issue here :frowning_face: Works fine on pc but on my Android phone I get the white screen when playing video’s.

I’m having the same issue. Using my Android phone i click a link to a YouTube video, it loads, and starts. I only get sound - no video. Worked fine 2 hours ago, now i get a blank screen with audio. Works on my desktop fine. Works fine on wife’s cell.

Same problem, one day out of nowhere youtube videos became blank white, sound plays, everything works, just no image, working on other browsers and youtube app though. Tried everything, couldn’t fix it on brave browser for days now. Please help

I was having this issue as well. I got mine to work after I cleares my cookies and turned off Leo that AI. Its in the settings menu.

I was having this issue as well. I got mine to work after I cleares my cookies and turned off Leo that AI. Its in the settings menu.

Are you using PC or Mobile (or other)? On mobile, where the problem is happening, the only Leo related thing I can disable in the settings is the autofill as far as I can tell, and that didn’t help, am I missing something?

Its on mobile Android 8.1.0; Build/OPM1.171019.019 and it is the autofill thing with clearing leo’s data. Though it could be unrelated ill look into it more.

Its on mobile Android 8.1.0; Build/OPM1.171019.019 and it is the autofill thing with clearing leo’s data. Though it could be unrelated ill look into it more.

I just tried clearing Leo’s data and turning off autofill but unfortunately that didn’t fix it, also tried re-installing/restarting the browser and restarting the device after clearing.
I’m on Android 9, Build PPR1.180610.011
If you find out it’s related, it could be huge, maybe something could be done with Leo to fix the issue for other people.
Does it start happening again if you re-enable autofill?

For me it happens if you try to play 720p and up. 480 and below works fine. didn’t happen a few releases back.

Same, on mobile turning off leo and clearing coockies did not help.

Thanks for the reply and suggestion. I was hoping that would work because it makes sense to me that the issue would come from this, but it didn’t help sadly, I tried all the quality settings (also turning off ambient mode) to be sure but nothing still.

right, then i don’t really know, mine does that way. but my wife’s phone is on an earlier release and video works fine at any resolution. please let the devs know / post feedback on google play, that should also help.

at least quite a few people posted about this now so it’s not an isolated incident.

This is happening on Ubuntu 1.64.113 as well. None of the cookie, private, Adblock, user , acceleration suggestions did anything. I accidentally enabled automatic updates, and every video site stopped working.

Edit… Actually, after I changed all these things and restarted a few times it worked. It was the graphic acceleration setting needed turning off.

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