GOT IT! YouTube mobile distractions was ON. I had to turn it OFF!
Settings > Brave Shields and Privacy > Content Filtering > YouTube Mobile Distractions
Thank you everyone for all of your time and help!!
**With Adblock on, YouTube videos show ONLY video and related videos. No buttons to like, comment, subscribe, add to playlist, etc. No comments shown, no ability to post a comment.
**Turn on Brave Shields and have ”Trackers and adblocking” enabled **
Expected result: I should still see the site as normal.
Brave Version( check About Brave): 1.51.1
Mobile Device details iPhone 12, iOS 16.4.1
Additional Information: YouTube goes back to normal when trackers and ad blocking is turned off - even if the Brave Shields stay up.
Before I say anything, can you update to newer iOS? I forget which version it was, but one of them around 16.4 or 16.4.1 had an issue that broke Shields where sites only worked if you turned off trackers and adblocking protection. Then in 16.4.1(a) and the newer 16.5 it worked as intended. I don’t know what went screwy with that iOS update, but it was one of the rare times OS messed with things. So I kind of want you to rule that out by updating.
If, for whatever reason, that isn’t what’s happening then I’d have you look to see what Shields settings and content filters you have activated within Brave. You can check that at Settings → Brave Shields & Privacy for your primary settings and then can go one step further to Content Filtering. while there. For example: