YouTube live chat blanks out "Hide Chat" text and eventually the entire text entry box

YouTube live chat blanks out “Hide Chat” text and eventually the entire text entry box.

See Brave subreddit post here

**Description of the issue: YouTube live chat blanks out “Hide Chat” text and eventually the entire text entry box.
How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Go to a YouTube live chat. Put chat in Live Chat rather than Top Chat
  2. Change to dark theme
  3. Wait

Expected result:
The chat will have a text are labelled “Hide Chat” it will disappear and reappear on its own. After a while the entire text entry box where one would enter a comment for the live chat will also blank out.

Brave Version( check About Brave):
Brave is up to date

Version 1.60.114 Chromium: 119.0.6045.124 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Additional Information:
Happens in clean new profile with no extensions in it in Brave Beta as well as the release version. Does NOT happen when I tried a Google Chrome clean profile with no extensions loaded.

After chatting with @Brave-Browser-Fanboy suggested enabling Hardware acceleration. Since I did that the issue with the chat has not happened. In the past hardware acceleration was never enabled in any of the builds of Brave and they functioned fine wrt YouTube chat. Now one needs hardware acceleration enabled. Google Chrome on the same machine has no such issue with the YT chat when hardware acceleration is DISABLED.

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