OS : Pop!_OS 20.10 (derived from Ubuntu 20.10) Brave version: Version 1.18.78 Chromium: 87.0.4280.141 (Official Build) (64-bit) Description of my problem: on the website www2.yggtorrent.si the download of the torrent never start after clicking on the “download” button. If I try with Firefox or Google Chrome, it works.
On the top, click on the green button “Télécharger le torrent” (Download the torrent)
The page is refreshed and become blank. The URL adresse is changed. The download never starts. If you try the same on another browser, you stay on the page and a popup window shows up for downloading the torrent file.
Hi, i have kind of same issue.
When i first click on a download link like torrent magnet link, it works … but when i second click on another magnet link it lets me on a blank page.
That happends on yggtorrent.si with brave.protection ON and OFF.
OS ubuntu_mate 20.04
brave Version 1.19.86 Chromium: 88.0.4324.96 (Build officiel) (64 bits)
Try turning off individual shield setting or turning off shields for that site altogether? When on the site, click the lion head icon in your address bar…
Idem than @Alandil. This is the first thing I tried. But it doesn’t change the issue. The url of the website has changed as said.
This website works with all other mainstream browsers.
Worked for me too. I talked with a friend who is also a Brave user. He also disabled it since it makes things complicated (unexpected behavior for a web browser) on other torrents websites, like thePirateBay.
So I would suggest that this extension is disabled by default in future Brave releases.