Unable to perform downloads

Unable to download with Brave on Windows 10
I am having this problem when I want to download torrents or videos. The first time The download box does not appear and depending on the site I have either a completely blank page or the message in private browsing "lgjmpdmojkpocjcopdikifhejkkjglho is blocked
Requests to the server have been blocked by an extension.
Try disabling your extensions.
I don’t have any google translate pars extension installed.
I have already removed and reinstalled Brave but it still doesn’t work.

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Open Brave
  2. for the example I go to https://yggtorrent.li/
  3. I go to a torrent and click on “télécharger un torrent”
  4. result blank page in normal navigation
  5. result message "in private navigation lgjmpdmojkpocjcopdikifhejkkjglho is blocked
    Requests to the server have been blocked by an extension.
    Try disabling your extensions.

Expected result: the download box must appear at the bottom of the browser to start the download

Brave Version( check About Brave): [Version 1.21.73 Chromium: 89.0.4389.72 (Build officiel) (64 bits)]

Thanks in advance for your help and I’m sorry for the translation, I speak French or Portuguese

Hello @David93

go to brave://settings/extensions and make sure that web torrent is enabled

hope that help and have a nice day :slight_smile:

Oh thank you so mutch! Have a nice day

you welcome and thanks a lot

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