I go to yts.am, browse any movie and when i click the download button for the torrent file, it opens a blank page for me instead of downloading the torrent file. This issue is not with all pages however. For some movies it downloads the torrrent file whereas for some it shows a blank page with the file download URL at the address bar.
Thank you for reaching out to us.
So Brave has a built-in torrent client (webtorrent) – are you intending to use that to watch the contents of the torrent file in browser? Or are you wanting to download the torrent file and use your own torrent client?
I made a video of the issue but brave community doesn’t allow more than 4MB so I had to uplolad it on a third party site. Secondly, throught the video my mouse isn’t visible but note that I was clicking at the buttons that say 720p, 1080p, 2160p. If required I will make another video from my phone so that the mouse is visible.
Link to video http://www.solidfiles.com/v/2dBGVM83nA7rp
Direct Video Link http://s01-stream.solidfilesusercontent.com/stream/Nzc0YjVlZTNmMzA5NjFiZTU3ODY1ODNjYmZiNTYzZWNhMDFmNTI0MzoxbU9ZVGM6OHdqTXhPQkduaXhDY2kxTG90bkVpUlBYa2dv/2dBGVM83nA7rp.mp4
Yes. I have kept it enabled because once in a blue moon I download something which is so small in size like 10MB 15MB that I feel it convenient to download through brave instead of opening my torrent client.
I just found a Github report that looks like the same issue.
Yep, there is definitely something wrong with WebTorrent. I just repeated my tests from my previous comment, and I got a blank screen even after clicking on 720p.WEB.