Windows 7 classic theming affecting brave browser colors

Im using the latest version of brave, running windows 7, using this custom “classic” dark theme

theme can be found here:

Brave is forcing the colors of the windows custom theming option in my browser.

Look how it affects the title of this google doc.

my settings:

Hello @juicyboy54, thank you for brining it to our attention. When themes are applied in the browser usually include a change in the browsing window color or something that might affect other applications.

Can you try disabling Hardware Acceleration in settings to see if this resolves the issue?

You’ll find this in Settings --> Additional Settings --> System --> Hardware Acceleration

Also, going to brave://flags > Search ‘Vulkan’ >Disable > Vulkan> Retest

Let us know if that resolves your issue. Regards.

tried both didnt work :frowning:

any other flags i can disable? or perhaps access a folder in system settings?

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