Where are my BAT tokens?

Not sure if you made sure to Search Before Posting, but if you did you’d have seen that people with similar issues are all told to create a Rewards Support Ticket at https://support.brave.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360001302431 as it’s the only way you can have someone from Brave look into it, as they need information that shouldn’t be shared publicly. You’d also likely see where many of us suggest you share your ticket number here, just in case Support has a spare moment to try to look into it between tasks. Otherwise it gets handled in the order received.

In ordinary months, tickets take 3-5 business days. However, as you can see at my topic at PSA: Current Rewards Issues (June 2023) *UPDATED*, Brave had made adjustments to their antifraud and a lot of people ended up flagged. The large influx of tickets from flagged accounts had extended that 3-5 business days to being up to like 14-21 business days. We’re also now in the new month where a bunch more people will be submitting tickets.

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