When BAT to self custody wallet?

Umm, not sure what to tell you. Usually the answer is that it needs to go through KYC/AML due to government regulations and all. And if you want it to go to Brave Wallet, it can’t be done. That said, Brave has been working on seeing what they could do. Originally it was looking through Themis, which is now called Boomerang (I guess).

Recently, Brendan Eich has been saying that Brave is still looking into on-chain BAT payouts that most likely would be done through Solana. If they go this route, they believe KYC/AML would not be required and it would open more opportunities for people. That said, they have no ETA and I’m sure there will be a lot of details/restrictions shared about this if it goes into effect.

We’ve had similar things teased out before, like a new custodial partner, but it has not arrived yet. It’s been more than a year since it was promised as well. So difficult part is getting people to have the right expectations and hopes.

Nope, not really. Just laws and regulations. I kind of spoke on this over at links provided below: