What is the procedure for wiping my PC

At this time yes, you will use up one of your total lifetime slots upon reinstalling Brave and verifying that wallet. We’re currently working on ways to avoid this type of “wasted slot” but for now this is the case. So if your wallet is already verified, you would only need to:

  1. Wipe your PC as you normally would
  2. Download and install Brave after reformatting
  3. Go to Settings --> Brave Rewards and verify your wallet with the same Uphold account you verified with in the previous installation.
  4. Bam – all funds should be reflected in your new wallet.

Now there are a couple considerations. This will sync any BAT in your Uphold to your new browser instance but it will not carry over any estimated earnings from this month – so if you are to be paid out x BAT on the 5th, you will not receive that BAT. Additionally, to be safe, I would go (in your current Brave installation before wiping your PC) to your brave://rewards-internals page and save the wallet payment ID found here somewhere safe where you can reference it later (we may want to ask this of you in the event something doesn’t work as it should).