What is the format of the Solana private key? How do you get it from the seed phrase?

What is the format of the private key Brave wants here?

And how can that be generated from a 24-word Solana seed phrase, using the solana CLI tools?

If you want to export a Solana wallet, Brave shows an 89-character “private key” with alphanumeric chars. What encoding does that key use? It’s too many chars for 32 characters in base64.

How can I export the seed words?

I’ve read the guide at https://brave.com/web3/solana-wallet/ but it’s too vague.

Brave Version 1.74.48

Hello! Please take a look at this article, which helps explain the difference between the recovery phrase and the private key. https://support.brave.com/hc/en-us/articles/16291144373261-BIP-39-Recovery-Phrase

Private Key can be found under Accounts > Export.

Recovery Phrase can be found under the Back Up Now option in your wallet menu.

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