What is the best way to move BAT from the Solana Wallet to a Crypto Exchange?

Hi, I have a question. I now have my BAT rewards going to my Brave Solana wallet since Gemini no longer works. The issue I’m running into is now if I want move it out of that wallet to an exchange. I know I can bridge it to an ETH network, but that will cost money to do since the ETH network is expensive. Is there a cheaper network I could use to move BAT to an exchange like Gemini or Coinbase? Just from reading FAQs on those 2 exchanges it seems like I’d have to bridge to ETH network, but it takes a nice chunk of my rewards which really stinks. I don’t plan on moving anything as of now cause I pretty much have nothing, but in the future it would great to know a good route to take. Maybe converting the BAT to another coin on the Solana network could work?
Thank you Everyone for your help!

Hello! To clarify, do you have the BAT in SPL-BAT form on Solana within your Brave Wallet?

Have you tried swapping for SOL and sending to exchange? If swapped for USDC within Brave Wallet, you can then offboard/sell with Ramp.

@joero24 not quite sure why you say you’d have to bridge to ETH. The BAT paid out directly is on Solana. You just would need SOL for gas and can send it anywhere you want, including over to Coinbase where you could then convert to fiat or anything else. Of course, you would need to have some SOL in your Wallet to pay for the transaction (gas) fee.

@Evan123 out of curiosity, how do you trigger it to show Sell with Ramp? I haven’t ever seen or triggered that yet. Does it only appear during/after a swap or something?

The Sell option is only available for certain assets. If you open BW, click on Accounts, click on a specific account, then three dots on the asset.

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Ah, nice to know. I had tried in a lot of menus and never saw it. But now I see if a person narrows in a lot more, it shows. But kind of crummy it doesn’t work from Assets in the portfolio as well.

Like for this, would think would have Sell

But now at least see it like you mentioned. So it’s good to know. Just kind of weird we can’t get BAT to be sold, at least not yet.

Agreed! Some of these options will be shown in the Portfolio section soon, which should make it easier to manage assets. Currently in 1.77x.

The Sell options are based on Ramp’s support. The newer integration with Meld should eventually provide more sell options within the wallet.

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To my knowledge the Coinbase and Gemini only support receiving certain tokens from the the Solana network. When I read the FAQs it said that if I send a token from SOL that is not supported and not in the ERC-20 format which I believe is the ETH network the tokens would be lost. Am I wrong about this? Maybe when I get a few more tokens I’ll test it out with a small amount.

Um I’m not sure. Whatever format the rewards are sent in is what I have. I’m going to assume no, but I’m not really sure.

I’ll have to try and swap some for SOL and see if I have that sell option. As of right now BAT doesn’t seem to support that.

@joero24 I do want you to realize where you’re getting it. Even in your title you mentioned from “Solana.” It is in your Brave Wallet and the token is on the Solana blockchain.


I think where you’re getting yourself confused is that traditionally the BAT used for payouts was on Ethereum. Anyone receiving BAT to a custodial account like Uphold, ZebPay, etc are getting BAT from Ethereum.

But if you’re on self custody, the payouts are happening on Solana because the transaction fees are much cheaper.

And if you look, such as at Coinbase, you’ll see they list it both on Ethereum, Solana, Polygon, etc.

They should be able to handle all of them. Of course, you will need SOL in your Brave Wallet in order to pay the gas (transaction) fee to send it out. If you have any doubts, I’d reach out to the customer service of the exchange you’re wanting to use and just see if they can help confirm everything for you so you might feel more comfortable in knowing what you can and can’t do.

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Yep, I’m using the self custody Brave Wallet on the Solana blockchain. Yeah, I’ll need some SOL for the gas fees. So if I try to send the BAT tokens from my brave wallet which is on the SOL blockchain it should go over to Gemini/Coinbase with no issues? I was under the impression that it had to be moved over to the ETH network first, but if not that would be great. Thank you for the help really appreciate it.