What does this screen lock do in password manager?

Description of the issue:
This is not a bug report, I just found out about “brave://password-manager/settings” and I want to know what this setting does: “Use your screen lock when filling passwords”

Brave Version( check About Brave):
Version 1.58.127 Chromium: 117.0.5938.88 (Official Build) (arm64)

So, whenever you wanna use a password which is already saved for the website, it will ask you to authenticate this by asking you to unlock using the screen lock you have set on the device.
This is to protect your passwords from other users (if any) using your device.

Nice thx. It only works after restarting Brave

Yes, some features do require brave to be restarted. Especially somethings which have a deeper impact on the browser or OS settings.

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