Weird issue I'm having when opening links into a new tab

Issue: when comand+clicking any of these topic links into a new tab, it also opens up the link into a Tor browser

Command+Click on [TWO] Introducing Project Levon: MakerDAO’s Economic Risk Engine opens the link in a new tab, but also opens as a new Tor browser window as this URL: http://iyisrllje57fqdbxepqdfhu72avofyrsaxchmmtpem4a6s47rbaozoyd.onion/t/two-introducing-project-levon-makerdaos-economic-risk-engine/21007/1

Expected result: not opening two links at once

Brave Version 1.52.122 Chromium: 114.0.5735.110 (Official Build) (arm64)

Any ideas @steeven ? I am still experiencing the issue

Thanks @peter13 for writing in, tagging my colleague @Mattches

Thanks for reaching out.
Doesn’t look like I’m able to reproduce the issue you’re seeing. Links open in tabs normally for me on that site when I do Cmd + Click. Do you by chance have the #brave-commands flag enabled in brave://flags?

Sorry for the late response, I did not get notified of your response.

#brave-commands is currently set to default on my browser. Should I disable it?

Actually scratch that — can you please go to Settings --> Privacy and Security --> Tor windows and ensure that the Automatically redirect .onion sites option is toggled “off”? If not, please do so and then check to see if the behavior persists:

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Thanks! That seems to have fixed my issue

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Excellent, glad to hear it.

Have a wonderful day.

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