Thanks for writing in! What OS are you running? Just clicked the link on macOS release build and it showed as MPH. Is this the screen area that you’re referring to?
I’m running OSX 10.12.6…and here’s a screenshot of what I just saw today at 3:35pm CT…this afternoon was a combination of kph and mph but lately it’s just been kph all over the site
That’s a very strange bug. I’m only seeing mph personally, but maybe Brave is blocking something needed to ensure the site is displaying the right terms for you.
Can you tell me what your Shields settings are configured to for the site?
I honestly have no idea why this would be happening then. If you go to another weather site, like or accuweather – do you see mph or kph?
The kph issue is only a problem with Brave &, not with any other weather forecast sites online that I’ve checked.
I’ve reported database issues/problems to “WeatherBuggy” over the past 2 years, but those issues/errors were cross platform, Mac & Windows, and appeared in all browsers. I made WeatherBuggy aware of this kph vs. mph problem with Brave too, but I’ve not heard anything back from them at all.
Must have been a “bad cookie” because I definitely have not checked any weather outside of the USA…GoogleMapped outside the US yes…weather no…well…except for Puerto Rico, but that’s part of the USA…