Hi, @albert.peterlin. I have experienced this and agree. Ordinarily we’d bug you about what version of Brave and Windows you’re using, but I don’ think that matters in this case. If the fix(es) below don’t work, then we’ll need that information to troubleshoot further. For reference, typing brave://version in the address bar takes you to a page with that information, and going to Start->Windows Administrative Tool->System Information will get the Windows version.
I believe there are two ways to fix it. One, if you’re using Brave’s PDF viewer, be sure you click the download button in the viewer pane to initiate the download. If that’s what you’re doing, then we need the version information and need to call in heavier hitters. I just tried it in Brave 0.66.100 Chromium: 75.0.3770.142 (Official Build) (64-bit) on Win10 Version 10.0.17763 Build 17763 and it worked fine.
You could also turn off using the PDF viewer and it will download them every time by default. You do this at brave://settings/content/pdfDocuments and as shown below the switch is set to using the built-in PDF viewer.
Click it to the other side and Brave will download by default when you click a link to a PDF.