Video Capture Service running despite registry edits

Description of the issue:
When visiting or, a video capture service will be enabled even if you have set registry to disable video capture.

Steps to Reproduce (add as many as necessary): 1. 2. 3.
Visit and press shift + esc to view process

Actual Result (gifs and screenshots are welcome!):

Expected result:
Video capture service to not activate.

Reproduces how often:
Every time people visit

Operating System and Brave Version(See the About Brave page in the main menu):
Brave 1.76.81

Additional Information:

Have tried it with URL as blank, without URLs set, and videocapture registry edits as true and false.
The videocapture feature in brave does not work properly.

Part of the issue deals with coding in:

While this is blocked, alternate sites do not cause the video capture service utility to be invoked.
The website itself will still invoke the video capture utility when this is blocked. Still reviewing coding.

@Mattches @steeven wanted to tag in to see if you know what to suggest.

Video capture service is invoked when using the login page for Discord. (
There is a conversion from to that may be part of the video capture invoke process. (click on login in top right… it parses /app then goes to /login and the video capture is invoked in process list.)

Not sure what’s going on here – can you share where exactly in the Group Policy editor you found the VideoCaptureAllowed setting?

@ItsPerryXD actually revisiting and am curious about a few things. Hoping you can advise.

  1. Have you checked to see if this happens on Chrome as well?
  2. Does disabling Widevine or Media Router at brave://settings/extensions change anything?
  3. Is Graphics Acceleration on or off?
  4. Have you changed anything in brave://flags?

When I was trying to do a little research myself I came across some contradictive answers. One of which was an argument whether this policy only prevents access from external cameras. Supposedly this video capture is also used internally by the browser, especially for graphics processing.

If that’s the case, then what I had been reading is that the video capture process you’re seeing there is related to internal process which requires no permissions. In any case, I guess just am wanting to confirm if the issue you’re finding is Brave specific or if you can see the same behavior across Chrome/Chromium and also to see if it is related to anything kind of mentioned earlier.

This does happen in Chrome as well and it looks like a variety of things can trigger it. I suspect for Brave that the reason it starts even before you visit a site is due to a built component for Brave Talk.

Out of curiosity, do you get prompted when you try to actually use vid capture on Discord or YT or any site?

@Mattches was that directed to me?

If I go to any of those sites, I don’t get any notifications in browser prompting me for any permissions. But I will see Utility: Video Capture appear if I visit sites like YouTube, Google Meet, Discord, etc. And once the process launches, it never goes away for the rest of that browsing session.

And I guess in playing around I was able to also confirm that it doesn’t use that process for casting, as was able to cast screen without it ever appearing. So I guess I’ll have to forget those articles, lol.

And no, they don’t give me any prompts asking for any permissions or anything unless/until I try using the camera.

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It was directed to either of you but thank you for the information. Going to reach out to my go-to guy for this kind of stuff and hope to have more information shortly. Admittedly I’m not a GP expert.

Happens in both chrome and brave.
Widevine and media router is disabled.
Graphics acceleration off.
Everything under brave://flags and brave://policy is changed for security.

it doesn’t start till you enable javascript on the site. It is script related as I was pointing to the youtube external player as a seperate module they use to load on other websites. Discord has their own coding that I havent found the exact cause yet.

I am able to block everything but specific things on youtube and discord’s websites. The video capture will not invoke but that doesn’t fix the problem for everyone else.

I also don’t like the ||^ and then @@ for allowing specific things in the custom filter rules.

Further review I found that video capture invoke is created off of:

Blocked “” (it changes) in custom filter and video capture isn’t invoked. This could affect video playback. Mine is stuck on 1:00 or that could be a ad trying to load. Review more later.

Browser upgraded to 1.75.180. Issue still present.

Yet to figure out exact cause. Also the “” block causes videos to not play past 1:00.

Prior block list I used was: (but again, I dislike @@)$3p,xhr,$1p,css,script,

Video capture issue for and still present on version 1.76.73.

New version required redoing all flags. The browser update didn’t like the old flags from 1.75 and wouldn’t properly transfer / delete the information. Browser wouldn’t start. I just deleted the local state and redid the configuration again to most secure.

Do have the weird larger than normal toolbar. Wondering which flag caused it.

Found that the touch UI caused toolbar to appear larger. (Just a FYI for people)