Verified wallet - Balance not transferring

I have the same issue with over 20k bat not deposited. I’ve dm’ed you my info.

Did you get your resolved, as I haven’t been contacted yet or mine.

Same here , i’vd DM @steeven today

Thanks @DuncanCantDie, reviewing your DM now.

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Hi @DephektDNB, please see reply to DM. I can help you there. Thanks inn advance.

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Another month passed and nothing was resolved. There is no assistance from Brave. I’m thinking of going back to chrome on the pc and using DuckDuckGo on mobile. After all, we are giving data to Brave and we are not receiving the bonuses. That way there is no reason to use Brave

Hi @camposdalton, thanks for following up. This months payments are still processing February Brave Ads Payout Status.

As mentioned in our DM, the dev team is currently working on a fix for what you experienced in January. I can manually help with that. Please see my latest reply. Thanks in advance!

i ddn’t receive my reward on uphold for 3 months

@mrmiled - please DM me your wallet ID. Thanks.

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Have you found solution I’m facing same issue. @Kanha Please DM me if your issue is resolved. Thanks :smile:

done, check it plz ,and thanks

hi, i have been using brave for over a year years on two computers, i had about 100 BAT (60 on one pc and the rest on the other), on my first computer i transferred the beats with brave creator and I received the BAT on uphold but after I synchronized my uphold account on my two computers and I lost my BAT that I had on my second computer and I don’t know how to recover them. Thank you (sorry for my English, I’m French :))

Still awaiting a fix, Wallet ID has been sent. Has anyone else had an issue where their BAT has dropped? My tablet dropped from 183 BAT to 104 BAT for no apparent reason a while ago, and nothing is in my Uphold account

Hi @steeven . I have sent you a DM relating to this issue. Pls check it out and help to resolve the issue soon. Thanks.

i send them the info that they need but still didn’t get payed 4 months now, is there a bug or what? i´m not using brave browser until they fix the issue.

Steveen i ddn’t receive my reward on uphold for 1 months. Please could you help me that … ?? I don’t know where to find or specify my ID, could you tell me where … ??

@steeven I have sent you an email around 7-8 days back containing my wallet ID and other relevant details. But no reply has yet been received. Please look into the issue.

Is there anyone from Brave who even cares to respond???

Hi Steeven,
I was having problems with replaying videos on, so I had to uninstall my brave browser, but before doing so I backed up my wallet, Then I created an Uphold account to save it there too, but the uphold account would not show my balance, but I had to proceed, so I uninstalled the browser and then reinstalled it.
I went ahead and restored my wallet with the unique phrase, got message that my wallet was restored, opened both the browser and the Uphold, and nothing.
Can you please help, I can send you screen shots of the wallet.

@Abhi3025 - I don’t see a DM from you. I’ll send you one.

@RJK1776 was your wallet verified before you deleted the browser?