Rewards BAT not transferring to Uphold

This seems to be a recently common problem, so this is kind of a plus-one. Uphold continues to show $0 balance and does not reflect what I show in my Brave Rewards. Hoping Brave support can respond to at least someone with an update. My details:

Brave 1.16.76 Chromium: 86.0.4240.198 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Revision d8a506935fc2273cfbac5e5b629d74917d9119c7-refs/branch-heads/4240@{#1431}
OS Linux

I will provide Wallet ID and a Rewards screen shot when requested.

Thank you!


I am having the same problem I dont see my brave rewards in uphold wallet either.

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same thing for me don’t know what to do

Same problem from couple months now and i dont get and answer of what to do

Same issue, been going on for about 6 months. the transfer just stooped working. I have sent all the documents requested. Posted several times but keep getting ignored, not even an acknowledgement about the problem.

Hello i don’t receive anything on muy account since July2020. could you help me?

Same issue here, talked to Steeven and Terry but nothing is happening about this. Maybe if they pin a thread to identify the issue and have instructions to DM all the info they need we won’t need hundreds of threads.

Sorry but it seems to be a bug and i can’thelp you

Provenance : Courrier pour Windows 10

Hey Brave Support, please respond! We are all watching your ads and you are not paying up. How do we fix this?? Even just a “we’re working on this” update would be nice.

Yea same problem of Bat rewards not transferring to my Uphold account both from the ios transfer and December 2020 rewards. With no resolution im starting to become skeptical of the janurary 2021 rewards. Its sad, because i have enjoy using brave browser for over a year and then this happens.

I been trying to figure this out for a long time

Almost another month has gone by, STILL seeing ads, STILL not connecting to Uphold… Anyone else getting any traction on this?

What gives, Brave Support?!??

Hi, same problem here, i didn’t receive anything since few months. Any solution?

Same problem, into month six with no transfer to my verified wallet, nobody responds to requests for help.

Same here,
Please Brave let’s people free to choose their own wallet to receive their rewards !

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no answers, no nothing like we are working on that not even lies, i liked many things from brave but costumer service is the worst, keep on mind that we move this, we keep this moving, your costumers are the ones that makes brave. So more respect for all of us asking answers i will appreciated at least we are working on that…

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Hi all, thanks for your patience here. We’ve identified the issue for this and the team is still working on the fix. I assure you that this is a priority for the team.


Hi @vitocc, please Copy/paste your Wallet ID (found on brave://rewards-internals) in a DM. Thanks!

I have the same issue. I have an Android device. My wallet says verified, I’m connected to Uphold, but when I click ‘withdraw’, I’m taken to my uphold account without ever having my mobile rewards show.

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Thank you for the update, steeven. But can we all send you our wallet IDs so that we ALL can have this looked into?