Verified creator not showing on PC

I noticed my Youtube, Twitch and Reddit accounts aren’t showing as verified creators on PC, after checking on mobile I can see that at least my youtube channel is showing up as verified creator, while twitch is not (checking reddit on mobile is a pain because my phone insists on opening the app instead), my Desktop Brave browsers are

Versio 1.73.91 Chromium: 131.0.6778.85 (Virallinen koontiversio) (64-bittinen)


Versio 1.75.59 Chromium: 131.0.6778.85 (Virallinen koontiversio) nightly (64-bittinen)

I noticed people have had the opposite issue in the past (I found four topics like that), but all of those were years ago.

edit: after adding my youtube channel to my brave creator account & clicking the refresh button next to “not verified” it became verified, twitch and reddit aren’t updating.

Hello! Are you on your main Youtube page? If you click on a specific video of yours do you see the Verified status appear?

This is a known issue and can be tracked here:

Thank you!

as I said in the edit adding my YT channel again and clicking refresh fixed the issue for YT, but Twitch and Reddit accounts still show as unverified even after being added again & clicking refresh.

I’m unable to replicate the issue. Can you provide a screenshot of what you see? Feel free to submit a ticket to us below if you don’t want to provide the info here.

unfortunately my desktop has no Internet connection right now so I can’t take meaningful screenshots of the issue, here’s one of my twitch profile from mobile.

Please provide the information in a ticket below and we can investigate. We will need your Creator email. Thanks!

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