My twitch channel still not verified in brave

i am waiting my twitch channel verified on brave. i will write down my twitch channel name down here:

pls make it as brave publisher soon. because i have referral link already for my twitch and youtube.

and my youtube channel is verified as brave publisher but only twitch channel not. is this glitch or else… waiting respond from brave stuff

best regards begjan

If you see your channel listed on your creators account, then it’s verified. Additionally, you can check on if you still unsure.

Did you check on desktop or mobile?

i am using brave browser on laptop and when i go my channel brave dont show blue virification icon right side of the brave icon beside link box

@Begjan what is your Brave version?

Version 0.68.132 Chromium: 76.0.3809.132 (Official Build)

No one responding to my thread why? i am waiting for a while.

aslo my uphold walled not showed veried on brave browser rewards


@eljuno who going to respond to my thread?

@Begjan apologies for late response. I missed the notification.

I can reproduce your issue on my end. And it seems it’s a known issue. And the fix will be available within 0.69.x release.

Thanks for your patience

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