Account verified on creator unverified on Brave browser

since 2 week it is not normal to work after update my browser and verified my wallet it showing on the tip panel creator unverified on Brave browser

Look my account were verified on brave creator account

Plzz solve this problem my brave latest version is
Version 1.32.113 Chromium: 96.0.4664.45 (Official Build) (64-bit)

@steeven @Mattches @fanboynz

1 Like (make sure to link your youtube account)

It is verified on my end

It takes time for everyone to see that the specicifc channel is update. Try to view your channel from a different brave browser, it might show that is verified. Also, you have not done it, then refresh your screen 2-3 times, possibly verified content creator ticker will appear.

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But the point is in my browser it is not verified not only this channel others channel are also showing unverified which is already verfied on brave creator

but my account is older
this is around 1 year old

Just for sake/trial, go to and see if the content creator ticker appears. If it does not, click on refresh status 2-3 times. If it still does not, I may not be able to help you, official brave support might be of help. Also, try to view your channel from mobile android browser or some on another PC and see if you see that you are verified. Your twatter account is also verified, so does it show that you are verified on it.

Your viewers are going to tip, so it is better if they see that you are verified, which they do, as I can see that you are verified. So, just don’t too much load about it.

It happens to me sometimes, try refreshing status and/or opening the page in incognito. It might get buggy sometimes.

If you click on one of your videos and view it in the panel, the channel shows as verified.

ya same problem when i click on vedio,

not only this channel many other channels which is verified but not showing verified on my browser

plzz help to solve this problem

The problem appears to be with your viewing of you channel, given that other users (myself included) are able to see your channel as verified. If you hit Refresh status in the Rewards panel does this change anything on your end?

no it not change anything not only this channel but others channels are not showing verified status


If you go to does the panel show the site as a verified Creator?

yes it is showing verified

I believe that this issue is then specific to your browser/data. Other users appear to have no problem seeing your channel as verified and should be able to tip/contribute to it without any issue. I’ve reached out to the team to see what we can do about getting your issue resolved, but know that it does not appear to be an issue for everyone.

this bug is only i face in my second profile of the brave browser, main browser is not getting issue like this

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Again, given that other users (the ones who would be tipping/contributing to your channel) are seeing your content as verified, the issue appears to be specific to the one profile in question and will likely be fixed during a browser update. In the interim, users who want to tip/contribute to your channel will continue to be able to do so.

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thanks a lot , I hope it will be solve next browser update

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hey @Mattches after an update my browser it could not be resolve my issue, it has same isssue

If you are not verified with upold/gemini then consider uninstalling and installing brave back again. To back up your browser data, start a sync chain.

The problem seems to be specific to your browser for some reason.

SAME problem here!!!
The problem persists for 2 months now…