Warning message suggesting the URL I have requested might not be safe
- Click bookmark for Apcpure.com and message appears asking if I mean Apkpure.com
- Click learn more, which takes me to HC default page
- Search HC and no info whatsoever
Brave Version 1.20.110 Chromium: 88.0.4324.192 (Official Build) (64-bit)
After searching the Brave forums, Help Center, and Reddits, I found advice detailing how to disable this message via Flags. Currently I cannot find brave://flags/#enable-lookalike-url-navigation-suggestions or anything obvious to me in brave://settings/security either?
Apcpure.com is a site I visit often, and have done for many years, I know it is safe. Conversely, Apkpure.com is a place that is mainly concerned with sideloading apps, a practice which might potentially void the warranty for your Android device. As security features go this one seems to me to be poorly implemented at best. At the very least there should be something in the message to enable you to whitelist a URL in situations such as this.
I would be very grateful if someone can please tell me how to disable this annoying message currently?
Much obliged.