every time I log into uphold from brave browser I get this login page despite having marked remember me. also after I enter login info I have to do an email verification, as well as enter f2a. and then if I try to pull uphold account from the brave icon again id get the same fuckry.
this issue seems to happen after the recent update but cant be sure
Sounds like it’s not storing cookies. I’m not sure what your Brave Shield settings are, but if strict on cookies or fingerprinting, it would make sense. This is because it obviously has to create and keep a cookie for it to remember you.
Also not sure if you might have it set up to delete cookies on exit or anything? That would be under settings in brave://settings/privacy
Well, that’s something to take up with Uphold or to change settings on yourself if you don’t like it. If you have it set for 2-factor authorization then there’s always going to be that step in security. But you can go to https://wallet.uphold.com/dashboard/settings/security and disable it if you don’t like it.
Dude, you posted on the weekend. They have like 2 staff that work here and they are Monday through Friday. Just because you don’t get answers as quick as you want…
If you’re going to lie, try to do it when there’s no time stamps. As you see in screenshot below, the 16th was your very first post on this forum and it was under someone else’s topic. It was talking about how you couldn’t connect to new Uphold account, which has nothing to do with this topic
Then there’s below, which shows when you made this Topic. It was made at 7pm on Friday night, which is during the weekend. Then you further commented on Saturday that support sucks.
@jonathan84 lol, no posts on March 8 bro. I’m showing you joined Feb 16 and immediately commented on someone else’s thing about not being able to connect to Uphold, then you vanished.
Almost a month later, on March 10th, you created this topic. (Not March 8, but the 10th).
And yeah, me pointing out Feb 16th as your join date might have thrown you off, but point still is there. Why do you keep saying you posted on the 8th when it’s here in black and white that you posted on the 10th?
If you edit a post, as I just did on this one, a pencil shows up on it. Then people can click on the pencil and see previous entries. Your Topic creation here doesn’t have the pencil, meaning no edit as you’re saying. (^_^)
A good example of that is one of your comments above.