Description of the issue:
After having confirmed my identity with Uphold and being successfully verified, I still see “Verify Wallet” in Brave. When I click the button, it takes me to Uphold, where I get a message that says “Your Uphold account is now connected with Brave Browser and ready to use.” However, no BAT is shown in Uphold AND Brave keeps showing me the “Verify Wallet” button.
How can this issue be reproduced?
- Click “Verify Wallet”
- Sign in to Uphold
- Complete KYC
- Receive email from Uphold saying I am verified
- “Verify Wallet” is still showing in Brave
- Click “Verify Wallet”
- Sign in to Uphold
- Uphold notification pops up, “Your Uphold account is now connected with Brave Browser and ready to use.”
- “Verify Wallet” is still showing in Brave
- Restart browser.
- “Verify Wallet” is still showing in Brave
- Restart computer.
- “Verify Wallet” is still showing in Brave.
- Repeat steps 6-9, infinitely.
Expected result:
There is no “Verify Wallet” button and I am able to hit “Withdraw Funds” to withdraw BAT.
Actual result:
The “Verify Wallet” button never disappears, even though I am verified on Uphold and Uphold tells me that I am connected to Brave. Clicking “Withdraw Funds” redirects me to Uphold, which tells me that “Your Uphold account is now connected with Brave Browser and ready to use.”
Brave Version( check About Brave
Version 1.0.0 Chromium: 78.0.3904.97 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Additional Information:
I first contacted Uphold support, and they said there is nothing they can do for me and that I must contact Brave support.
My operating system is Windows 10.
I have tried restarting the browser.
I have tried restarting my computer.
When I am redirected to Uphold, I notice an “application_id” parameter. I would be happy to provide that if it would help.