Unable to Verify Wallet: Congratulations - Your Uphold account is now connected with Brave Browser and ready to use

I have created a Uphold Account on 07-May-2020 by successfully going through KYC process.
Then I tried to “Verify Wallet” (brave://rewards/ page).
It then took me to Uphold site and I get the message “Congratulations - Your Uphold account is now connected with Brave Browser and ready to use.”
But in my Brave Rewards page still shows as “Verify Wallet”.
Even if I clicked “Verify Wallet”, same thing happens.
When I contacted Uphold support, they asked me to get in touch with Brave support.
My Brave is up to date - [Version 1.8.95 Chromium: 81.0.4044.138] / Windows 10
Can you please help?

Thanks for reporting @NSW.
We’ve an issue logged for this which can be tracked here https://github.com/brave/brave-browser/issues/7961

I’ve no workaround for now. But I added your+1 on your behalf.

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Thank you very much, @eljuno,
Hope there will be a fix sooner.


Hi @eljuno,

I’m happy to let you know that I managed to verify my wallet by following the steps given at:

Thank you for the help.


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